"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney

Monday, April 1, 2013

Time in: 7:45 a.m.
Time out: 8:45 p.m.

So this morning started out crazy. I don't know what it is lately that has been getting everybody all kinds of forgetful and stuff. It's still double day parades and people have been calling out left and right so the mornings have been crazy until the fly person came in. So this morning when I came in to work the coordinator from the day before hadn't printed off the track 5 track sheet so I had to wing it until I got to the PC. Great way to start my first burn in day. I went to Shade Control and checked shoes and heads and then went to the PC to help out. Since there was no track 4 I had to help build some stilts as well as gather missing items and scan the NSA racks when they got there. But once we got back on track the day went okay. Right before the first show we got told that they added Scott Thomas to the stilt lineup so Sal made a run to the PC and got the stuff and we built it when he got back. When they checked their presets Sal and Alex realized there were no Genie shoes there. I felt so horrible for missing that when I checked in the morning. Nobody was mad at me since it was my burn in day but I still felt really bad about missing it. However, I didn't have a check off sheet and it was my first day alone on track 5 so it really was okay. It just was below my standards to mess up like that. 

When Alex, Edna and I were returning from the Character Room later in the day, we had to walk by the train backstage. The pathway we take to get to the PC goes through the park a little bit and then goes backstage over the train tracks. We always expect to see the guests in the park, obviously, but once we cross to backstage it's weird to see guests. So when the train went by we had to smile and wave and look official and happy. It was kind of cool though because I realized what everybody else has to do all day every day if they work in front of guests. I was really thankful for my backstage job because I realized how much less pressure I'm under to be performing onstage 24/7 at work. I really enjoy that part of my job. 

When we were getting ready for the 2nd MiSiCi of the day I had to actually help Woody get ready. I've watched people do it all the time and he usually just goes up to whatever costumer is free but I've never done it before. Truthfully I've kind of been scared to do it because you have to clip his pad into his head and the way he has to hold it for you kind of cuts into his windpipe for a few seconds and I'm super scared to do it and take too long and him pass out or something. It's semi-terrifying. But I got to help him and did it correctly. I felt super accomplished. 

We switched out the Lumiere performer for the 2nd MiSiCi because Jared got sick after Day Parade. I felt really bad because I could tell something was wrong with him after the first MiSiCi but he insisted he was fine and wouldn't let me help him. He's very independent so I thought that was just it, but obviously not. Anyway, the performer that got switched in didn't know as much about Lumiere's costume as Jared does so somebody had to help him do the whole thing. Luckily for me Sal jumped in there first and helped out so I didn't have to. I could have told him how to do it correctly but I was nervous. They also had to do a Heat Show/B Show for the 2nd show. Disney has all different kinds of contingency plans put into everything they do including performances so if extenuating circumstances occur everyone will know what to do. Since it was really hot today for the first time the performers were getting sick left and right and management implemented a Heat Show/B Show which just changed certain little things about the parade and took a couple parts out so that it would be shorter and would get the performers back sooner. It was really interesting to see everybody go right into place for this different plan and every single person knew what to do. I keep finding myself amazed at how organized Disney is. Imagine the most organized place you've ever seen in your life, multiply it by ten, and then expand it as large as Disney World is. Yeah, I've been pretty amazed. 

That's all the magic for today!

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