Time in: 8:45 a.m.
Time out: 7:45 p.m.
My good friend Ryan was coordinating yesterday so the entire day was a blast! I started out on Track 4 but then Ryan switched me to Track 1 since I could drive the truck (and since I spoke English and he wanted me upstairs with him at the end of the night. Everyone else working only speaks Spanish.) As soon as we got up to Shade Control Ryan sent me back to the PC on a run. I love making runs though, it makes me feel really important and is a great way to kill the down time. He ended up needing a whole lot of stuff so I had to go back twice. The rest of the morning was pretty standard.
Right after Day Parade stepped off it was forecasting for serious rain so Ryan and I took the van up to Shade Control to put away the stilt gear so it didn't get rained on. The problem was that the stiltwalkers hadn't put their stuff back in the bins so we had to go to each individual stilt and try to figure out whose costume it was. It was a tedious project. Then we got back to the PC and finished up making presets. Ryan wanted us to clean all the shoes on the line and sweep under them, to kill time and tidy up. As always, only about half of us actually did what he asked because some people I work with think they're better than everyone else. I guess there's just going to be people like that at every job.
The afternoon went smoothly, I had to make one run to the PC but that was it! It was a pretty fun day with Ryan there, but don't tell him that. He'll get a big head.
That's all the magic for today!
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