Time in: 8:45 a.m.
Time out: 7:45 p.m.
Yesterday was just the same old same old. I worked with the exact same people I worked with on Thursday and it was just as unexciting on both days. Nothing really out of the ordinary happened at all. I was track 2 so I was outside with the stilts which I'm really starting to not like. I find it very awkward and uncomfortable because I'm an inherently shy human being so I don't just walk up and join in their conversations. You have to do that to keep it casual and be friends with them, and other people are absolutely great at that. I know some that are my good friends that could to track 2 every day and be best friends with everyone. I'm not like that so I always feel out of place just waiting for them to need my help. I'm sure it's mostly in my mind, but it still affects me. I just try to be polite and helpful whenever they're ready and be sure to offer extra water and powerade.
I'm also responsible for setting up King Louie's head which is not my favorite job. I hate it, actually. And yesterday he said it was wobbling on his head the whole first show which made me feel really bad. I tried to fix it, and thought I had, but eventually Ana had to re-sew a certain part to make it more secure. I love Ana, she's worked on this parade so long that she knows absolutely everything. When anything goes wrong, I run to ask Ana about it. Hopefully it doesn't bug her.
I ended up having a long conversation with one of the stilts, Liz. She's always there when I'm there and I always think she thinks I'm an idiot. Every time she asks me for something or even if somebody else does, I'll do the wrong thing out of a misunderstanding, and Liz will be there to witness. Almost every single time. She's also really great as a performer and has been there for a really long time. Quite honestly, she just intimidates me. And we ended up talking for a while because she approached me first. She asked me when I was leaving and when I told her how soon it was, she told me how unfortunate it was, not for me but for them, because, and I'm quoting here, "I actually know how to do my job". I thought I would fall over from shock. I'm so new here and so low on the totem pole that being recognized by anybody was fantastic enough, but to hear that from someone who intimidates you and who you thought thought you were a little slow on the uptake, felt absolutely wonderful. I was on cloud 9 the rest of the day. I know that sounds dramatic, but I've been working my butt off for three months trying to learn everything that I can about things here and be as helpful and knowledgeable as possible. As a CP I came in with everyone against me, thinking that I was just another CP and wouldn't know what I was doing, and I really wanted to prove them all wrong and do a really great job. And to hear that, at least to someone, I had accomplished that goal meant everything in the world to me. That's what I wanted from this experience.
That's all the magic for today!
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