Time in: 9:22 a.m.
Time out: 7:45 p.m.
So I did a really horrible thing this morning and was late to work. I felt horrible about it! I forgot to set my alarm last night, so I woke up right at 8:45, when I was supposed to clock in! I'm never late so I felt really horrible about it, but it wasn't a big deal at all. My coordinator had everything handled and people were covering for me. It's nice to have a coordinator that I thoroughly enjoy as my friend as well (her name's Julie). When I arrived I was kind of in limbo between tracks since everyone was doing different ones to cover for me, so I just went in the dry room and helped my friend Jessica-Rae put away dry clothes. I ended up being assigned to track 1 again today, which was perfectly fine with me I enjoy that track. It's the least stressful. I had to make a run right when we got to Shade Control and the second I got back I had to go again. It really helped kill the morning time. During the first parade I had to drive the Day Parade person in the truck down to the PC since she can't drive. I don't know why they assigned her the driving track though, maybe it was just a misunderstanding.
Right before Day Parade was going to step off, my big time boss came up to the MiSiCi people and asked for two people to help him. Jessica-Rae and I volunteered so we helped take rain gear and standard costumes up to Shade Control for them. It was threatening to rain on the parade, but not bad enough to cancel it. So when it gets close like that they change the costumes to Standard ones instead of the Day Parade ones. It helps because they get less damaged if they get wet from the rain. So we had to run around frantically to get everybody's costumes switched because we arrived with only 9 minutes until the parade was supposed to start. It was craziness.
The rest of the day went by really easily. I'm starting to really enjoy joking around with the performers because I finally have seen some of them enough to be friends. So we joked about stuff all morning with each other like friends. It was a really nice feeling to know that I've kind of been accepted. Same goes for one of my costuming managers, Michael. Everybody else I know is friends with him and joke around a lot but he and I haven't really gotten to that level until today. Today we were joking and knocking on each other all afternoon, it was really funny. I've finally established myself up with the parades people and I'm really enjoying it.
That's all the magic for today!
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