"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Time in: 4:30 p.m.
Time out: 12:30 a.m.

As soon as I walked in a girl I've never met before named Laura and I got sent to the Production Center (PC) to help out there instead of staying in the Character Room. The PC is on the other side of the park and we had no idea what we were going over there to help do. When we got there the coordinator asked us to put some clothes from the dry room away and double check that all the characters from the Hoedown show were prepped and ready for the next day. By the time we finished all that she told us to wait for a girl named Muriah to get back and then we could help her set up Woody and Jessie for the show at Splash Mountain. We got all their stuff together and then trekked over to where they get ready and dropped it all off. Then we brought back the dirty stuff that was up there and sorted it and put it all in the laundry. By then all the characters in the Electrical Light Parade were getting ready so there wasn't much room for anything else so we just waited for them to leave. Their costumes with the lights on them are super heavy. After they left, we went back out to Splash Mountain to drop some stuff off that we had forgotten and then Laura and I were dismissed back to the Character Room.

We had lunch after that, then I helped put accessories away. One of the performers forgot to leave his hat where it belonged at his location, so I went with another CP and a lady named Pat to drop it off where it belonged. When we got back I helped sort laundry for a while then put some more accessories away. They were planning on waxing the floor after we all left last night so we had to go through a big section of the character room and get everything up off the floor which was a serious pain in the butt. Obviously y'all have never seen it but imagine the floor of your room when you haven't cleaned it in three weeks. That's what the floors there are like. It's all organized of course, but there's just stuff everywhere. By the end of that it was time to go thankfully.

That's all the magic for today!

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